Janice Julius


 Iconic Success 

I am fascinated by the structural identity of buildings and the architectural timelines during which they were constructed.  I have had this interest in buildings since I was young and wanted to explore it in response to the theme of Body, Identity and Character.  My creative aim is to show the personality of my work which I feel is bold and strong.  

The title of my work is Iconic Success. This is focused on buildings that have had a huge successful impact in both movies and media. Combining my specialist skills in Graphic Design and Illustration, I have created three posters of buildings in a vector style of simplistic lines, curves and shapes. I intend to display my work on printed A3 paper which printed and then framed. 

I am inspired by the visual artist Malika Favre who creates simplistic but well thought-out designs within a clear vector style of artwork using bold and sharp colours.  The style resonates with my own choices of colour and graphic design and I wanted to reflect it in my work. 

I have researched colour theory and developed my designs through a series of thumbnails and sketches, creating a colour palette and font which will be used in the posters to evoke feelings of Serenity. The illustrations are created digitally using Adobe Photoshop tools since they allow me to work with the bold colours I have chosen and vector shapes. The pen tool has been instrumental in the design since it allows me the freedom and control I desire. I have used ultramarine blue for the background in most of my posters.   

My illustrative posters are vibrant, abstract, inspiring and colourful. I would describe them as Pop Art.