Demon Animation and Sculpture
My work includes a sculpture and a 30-second animation of a character. My project explores the theme of body, identity and character, focusing mainly on character. I combined my specialist skills in SFX and Visual Communications initially to create a demon character which later developed into an infected demon. I am interested in satanic art, and I am heavily influenced by Renaissance paintings and Biblical etchings.
I created my demon sculpture using soft sculpting clay and a variety of sculpting tools. My demon has short, underdeveloped horns, no eyes, a gaunt facial structure and a blistering mouth. He has no arms, and his torso is also covered in blisters and infection. I wanted to make my sculpture as disgusting and grotesque as possible.
To create my animation, I used Pro Create on my iPad using my Apple Pencil to create the illustrations. I illustrated each frame and then put it all together using iMovie. The story line of my 30 second animation was that my demon needs spot healing cream, he walks to a pharmacy in Hell to purchase this. You would think that he needs to cream for his blistering mouth however I created a plot twist, and the final frames show him applying the cream to a small pimple on his backside. This was fun to create, and I enjoyed adding humour into my animation.
The materials, tools and processes I used to create the final work helped me to portray the characteristics of the demon and to convey that appearance can be deceptive. The demon may seem scary and disgusting but, in my imagination, he is just like a ‘normal’ being.