Тhe influence of Social Networks
Have you ever wondered, how much time you are spending on your phone every single day? Did you thought what else you could do throughout your day for this time?
When we use some of the social platforms, most of the time we see the perfect version of life, look by popular people which they created social media stereotypes. Because of this most of the young people start to lose their identity trying to be another person, using various filters, apps and even doing a cosmetics surgery. At some point we start to compare our lives with other peoples.
Nowadays, we communicate more in the social networks, and this is makes me feel like we have forgotten how to communicate with each other without technology, which makes our real-life communication more harden then ever.
My inspiration for the project came after watching the documentary The Social Dilemma (Netflix, 2021) the is Director Jeff Orlowski and reading the book Plugged In: How Media Attract and Affect Youth (Jessica Taylor Piotrowski, Patti Valkenburg, 2017).
With my work I want reach more people and make them realize how addictive and toxic social media is, losing sight of the real world in the process. For that purpose, I created series of three posters using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Lightroom. Two of the posters are with messages which they can make you think what you can to change in your life, and I created booklet using the program Adobe InDesign the contents of which are the Social Media Stereotypes, The Missing Communication, interviews, and statistics. The pictures of the models were taken by me in University of Bolton, and I did interview to 11 people most of the answers are in the booklet. In the booklet the whole text, except for the interview, is my personal authorship.